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Writer's pictureSophia Michelle

The Carpenter's Son

There are many people who have lived and died

But only One who lived to die

And he was a carpenter’s son

He often used his hands to work

To heal, to love

Could see the end before it had even begun

A man who was called when there was fixing to be done

Be it of wood or of stone

But especially flesh and blood

“I go and prepare a place for you,” I do recall him saying

For he plans futures for those who were destined to have none

A builder of futures?

How can that be?

What sort of hands has he?

Friend, they are hands of power and laughter and hope

Hands his mother held throughout his youth

And perhaps in dreams following his parting

There are many people with two hands by their sides

But only One with nail markings

Only One who was crucified

In order the world to free

And he was a carpenter’s son


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