i am 7 years old
running down a dirt path outside the house
there are butterflies flying around me
i clap my hands together and catch one
peer one giant eye into the darkness of my palms
and see a pair of tiny wings
i am called for lunch
my feet are dirty
you walk by and swat a fly with a net you are holding
so i look at your hand
it looks rough and strong
it has worked and it has lived
that poor fly never stood a chance
i am 23 years old
and sitting next to your bed
there is a knot in my throat
and so many things i wish to tell you
you smile when you open your eyes and see me there
you blow me a kiss and i blow you one back
as you close them again
your hand is in mine
so i look at it
it looks soft and tired
it has held and it has loved
my poor heart never stood a chance